Friday, 7 February 2014

My obsession from a Western, my dance floor date.

Wow, it is good to be writing again! I sure am awful sorry I haven't been posting much, but I've been in a village panto with my brilliant buddy Bronia (get that alliteration!) so that has absorbed a lot of my time. School has also been shoveling the homework on - we've moved onto Shakespeare, and apparently the best way to interest us in one of the giants of English literature is forcing us to write with our own tears a mahoosive essay - long story short, I have no time! Anyway, cutting the faff, this post is getting me VERY EXCITED. Here's a bit of background: at every single school disco I have ever attended, the song the teachers love to play is '5,6,7,8' by the band Steps. I have never been able to remember the lyrics to the song, so  a few days ago, through the magic that is the Tinterweb, I Youtubed it and BOOMF.
I was hit with this beauty - AARGH! I am speaking of a very big fan of nineties style - could this get any more perfect? It is so cheesy! I described to one of my friends the utter perfection, but she didn't understand. Many people don't get it, beacuse the thing is, nineties style is all about being cheesy, but that's why it's so gorgeous. It's not meant to be taken too seriously! I mean, this video has them doing a LINE DANCING ROUTINE on the beach. The males are wearing open shirts! By the way, possibly my favourite outfit in this video is Lisa (the brunette)'s green floral tankini. I couldn't find anything remotely similar to it, but going town the line of vintage swimwear (gah), I found zis:
Which I think is very, VERY lovely! Lisa wears sunglasses, and when it comes to vintage sunglasses go wild! There are zillions of lovely sunglasses out there, but I'd always opt for some heart shaped beauties such as these:
!!!!!!! Is that not just the most gorgy picture ever?? I'm sorry this post has been so short, but I must go and do some more homework (yurg!). Another reason I haven't posted much recently is because nothing exciting seems to have happened, but tomorrow my groovy friends and I are going on our first S.A.R.G outing of the year, so expect a post! (S.A.R.G is the name of our girl gang!) See y'all around.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Lavender bag DIY!

Salut! Welcome again pals, and may I remind you it is now 2014! (I still get excited every time I write the date). Of course it's nice to have a new year, new start and all that, but it is a little bit scary knowing another year is gone, and I still haven't got my Hogwarts letter. But seriously, when I had a proper think about my life and all that jazz I did end up clutching a cushion and singing BeyoncĂ© to calm myself down get a bit emotional. I HAVE LEFT ANOTHER YEAR BEHIND! CRIPES! But anyhoo, we're all in this life malarkey together (bit o' High School Musical!) and we might as well get on with it. So, without further ado, up with the curtain and on with the show. I have, (hence title), a DIY for you today! And it is, (hence title once more) a lavender bag. These handy little bags were invented to tackle the crushing sadness many of us feel upon realising our knickers don't smell quite as lavender-y as we'd like. Better safe than sorry! To make these pretty pouches, you will need:

  • 2 squares of pretty fabric, measuring any size you want, but mine was roughly 12cm x 12cm.
  • Some pins, and a needle, and the usual clutter!
  • Good fabric scissors
  • A ribbon
  • Some dried lavender (I had some left over from the bush in our garden, but if you don't you can soak cotton wool in lavender oil and use that instead!)
1. Harvest the lavender seeds. Just pull, or pluck, or brush them off the stems. (Self explanatory really!)

 When you have finished, you should have a glorious pile of fragrance!
 2. To make the bag, take one of the fabric squares, and fold the top edge down a tiny tiny bit, so no frayed edges show, and then fold it down again to approx. 1cm. This is the tu-u-u-u-be you'll be threading your ribbon through!
 3. Sew along the bottom edge of the tube with a simple running stitch. I did this by hand, but you could do it on a machine - it doesn't matter.

Fill bag with le lavender....
4. Thread up a wide-eyed needle with the ribbon, and feed through the tube, being careful not to prick the needle through the material and come out of the side! When it's threaded through, take both ends of the ribbon, pull tightly to scrunch the bag up, and tie in a bow.

Et voila!!!! Look at that beauty! I think this would be a perfect gift for a friend, or a treat to yourself! (And if you're lazy lacking in time it's also ideal, as it takes less then half an hour! Ish. By the way, ignore the fluffy black lump in that picture - that's my cat - she's a chronic photobomber. So, farewell for now, chummies, until I see you again!

Sunday, 5 January 2014

The new year is here, so we sing and wait for Spring.

Hello! And welcome to what will (hopefully) be the first of many rad posts of 2014! This post will just be a 'mash up' (cue beat boxing) of things that have happened to me, or I've found groovy! So, last year (!!!) we had Christmas, and I got many beautiful presents. My parents gave me a GLUE GUN and the money for a pair of Doc Martens. Could my life get any more complete? My first creation with the glue gun was, of course, a flower crown, and it looks like this:

 And the Docs are, to quote the Dr Martens website, 'classic 1460 style eight hole boots, in Cherry Red'. Gah - I just lurrrrrrve them! I couldn't take a very good picture of them, but here you go anyhow.
When I wear them I feel empowered, and as if I could change the world. And talking of being a STOMPY, SUPER-RAD feminist icon, look at THIS post from Rookie! it is AH-MAY-ZING! Rookie moves us on neatly to our next subject. Rookie posted a video, which was not only beautiful and gorgy as a video, but I loved the song as well. She's very obscure, so I couldn't put a Youtube video on here, but I'll yet again link you to the post on Rookie!
Our lovely friend Sarah had her birthdaaay partaaay last night, and we watched The Neverending Story, which has possibly the worst special effects of any film ever created! Of course, that only adds to the magic. I won't go into all the details, but let's just say it features a 'luck dragon', which is basically a lizard crossed with a dog, which is pink and fluffy. This picture explains it better than I ever could. (By the way, the boy you can't see very well is the hero, and I fancied him when I was ten.)
So, I think that pretty much concludes the first post of 2014 (eek), and tomorrow my reign of happiness over the kingdom of holiday will end. Yay. Anyhoo, hope you all had a great holiday! Much love,